Senin, 12 Januari 2009

mirip kah????

mirip kagak seehhhh?????????????
smua orang bilang kembar???

kakak adik,,,

mbak yoni ni dosen uii, ngajar Professionalism Communication...

tapi tetep ah,,imutan ma manisan arnes...

mukaQw tu ternyata buletnya sama kaek bola bekel yag??


moga aja pinter nya sama kaek mbak yoni,,

obsesi Qta dgan tipe suami sama,,,


Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

my home town


do you know the interesting place beside bali???
do you wanna visite there???


you must be carefull..


this place didn't found in map..


so sad,,,


now <> already has in map...


you wanna know that place??????????

the name of this place is tanjung enim...i think you just hear it,,it's ok,,
i will be expalin about this place..
actually, tanjung enim has beatiful view, it still natural and still has many trees so you can find something new that you can't find in the city.

In tanjung enim, bukit asam company built,,because it is one of the place that has biggest coal mining in indonesia. this is one of the pic in bukit asam so you can imagine the activities of this company everyday.

actually, you can see the beautiful view in the night. But not all the people can enter to this mining. 'Cuz so dangerous. If the employees want to enter this mine, they have to use the safety properties, like helm, boot, special clothes and so on.


just move to another view,,

this is the view of housing, we called it with TOWN SITE...hohoho..
i have experience about jogging with my friends when we spend of my holiday, walked to " new golf " in bukit asam street.

this is the old one

and this is the new one

This view still natural right???

you can refresh your mind in this place,,
far away from city, polution,,but,,,
Tanjung Enim hasn't mall,,,


if you wanna hangout, just go to traditional market..
very fun, right???

Oh ya,,
i wanna show you the unique montain,,

do you ever see mountain like it??
like " jempol "


So,,I think that Indonesia has beatifull place. But the people just know Bali, maybe has less advertising and also the place hard to visited.

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

ada tugas bikin blog nih,,,
niatnya pagi2 ke warnet buat bikin blog sama nyari tugas,,,


niat dgan kenyataanya laen...

aku mlah maen2 disini,,,

duuhh,,,binun mw nulis apa????????????

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2008



hari ini maen sama ony..
nemenin dy sih,,nyari kertas manila buat ospek,,
keli2ng gtu nyariin cz pda abis,,

trus maen kerumah arin..
arin itu temen gilaQw diprimagama..
Qta les bareng wktu SMP..
seru banged,,
kangen2an td tuh..

trus jam 7 malem pulang deh..
eh,,pas pulang lewat pasar malem..
ada harum manis guede banged,,
ak beli,,harganya 3 rb
nih skrang lidah ak merah semua..


lagi ngenet nih,,
eh ony malah dateng kesni minta anterin minjem jas lab..
gak masalah,.,

btw,,laper tau,,

lg ym man ma temn2 SMAQw,,
kangen euy,,
kpan mw maen lagi??
xan tmen2 trbaikQw dah,,

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008


ak ngerasa klo ak ini orang yg paling bodoh sedunia,,
ak gak bisa nntuin keputusan apa yg harus ak ambil..
in main2 atw serius??
itu yg gak bs ak ambil..

ak percaya dengan dy,,
tapi knpa dy gitu sama ak??

ak knal dy gak hanya 1 atau 2 thn tp bertahun2..

salah apa ak sama dy??
kmu bilang dong..
jangan diem,,
ak gak tw salahQw..
knpa kmu gak mw liat tw accpt punyaQw??

kmu jahat bagd,,

tp kmu ttep tmen ak kok,,
ak gak mw kehilanagn kmu,,
sampai kpan pun jg begitu,,

uda lama Qta gak ktmu..
mgkin suatu saat nnti Qta akn bertemu..^^



ak merasa,,akhir2 ini ak bner2 jd orang bdoh sedunia..
ak gak bsa nntuin yg trbaik bt ak..
knpa sih??mesti kyak gini??
ak ngerasa smw orang ninggalin ak,,
ak ngerasa sndiri,,

ak uda capek nangis dikamar,,SENDIRI..
ok,,sendiri lg..

ak dipermainkan..
dipermainkan dgn orang yg ak fikir dy baik,,
krna ak uda knal dy dr lama..
knpa dy tega gt??

mungkin harus nyari kesibukan untuk ini..

tersinggung ak,,
wktu pnya Qw gak dibuka tw diaccpt sm dy,,

ya ampun,,
apa salah ak??
dy temen ak dari kecil, itu mslhnya

ok..harus gmna skrg??
lari mngglkan dy tw hnya lari ditmpat??

smpai kpn pun ak gak pnah mrah tw sbel ma kmu
ak hnya mysalkan diri ak sndiri..
diriQw yg merasa bodoh,,

thx uda sadarin ak..